Member-only story
I Never Told You But

What Happened to my Car?
Simone opened the door slowly and peered into the kitchen. She spotted Trevor and rushed inside with her bag of school books, almost slipping from her shoulders. She slung the load on the breakfast bar chair and placed her hands on her hips. “What’s going on, Trev? Where’s Annie’s car? Why are two police cars out front? I was almost afraid to come in.”
Trevor faced his sister with an angry expression. “Those rotten boo-ba’s stole Annie’s SUV.” He waved his arms, more agitated with each word. “Last week, the lady down the street was at the mega-center shopping center for groceries. She rolled the cart to the side of her mommy-mobile, loaded the groceries, slid the cart into the basket holder, and unlocked the car to enter. Someone left a note with money on the front windshield under the wiper blade, so she got back out to grab it.” He inhaled a deep breath. “That’s when these thugs ran ready to take the car and her as a hostage when Boss rolled up on his Harley. He sized it up quickly, and the thugs skedaddled after shoving the lady. If Boss hadn’t threatened to stop them, she and her car would be gone. The lady was beyond distressed and clung to Boss, crying.”
Simone nodded feeling a sense of pride. “Lucky for the lady, Boss was out and about. No one messes with friends of Harley dudes.”