Member-only story
I Never Told You But…

Simone ran down the stairs and burst into the family room. “What happened?” She caught her breath. “I heard someone screaming, don’t let ’em kill me! It sounded like Boss, but I’ve never heard him bellow in a high-pitched screech like that.”
She eyed Trevor and Annie, trying to hold Boss down on the couch with a steaming warm water compress in Anne’s hand. Boss flailed his arms, gasping. “Is he okay?” Simone watched for a heartbeat and realized Boss motioned for everyone to move away, not trying to hit them.
“Trev, step back,” suggested Simone biting her lip.
Once cleared, Annie braced Boss’s chest to apply the washrag.
Simone let out the breath she held when it looked like Boss relaxed enough for Anne to release her hold. Anne stood, watching Boss like a hawk.
“Trevor, what happened?”
He pulled Simone into the other room and then stopped facing her. She noticed his glum expression as he ran his fingers through his thick dark hair. “I never told you, but a couple of times a year, Boss’s old running buddies come through town. Boss gets in their car and goes for lunch at the Mexican Cantina. You know the one where they have the great chips and queso?”
She nodded, suddenly sensing a pang of hunger.