Member-only story
I Never Told You But

Trevor walked into the living room and spotted his sister leaning on one side of the couch with her arms wrapped around her legs and face hiding against her knees. He worried she might be ill.
“Simone, what’s wrong? Today’s your birthday, which often means we get a call from NASA complaining that your energy burst is messing up their rocket launches. Usually, you’re bouncing around like a butterfly going from flower to flower. Are you ill?” He sat down close and felt her forehead, then shrugged his shoulders, sensing she was not hot.
Simone peered up at him, resting her chin on her knees, and squeaked, “Oh, Trevor,” letting out a big sigh, she added, “I asked Boss for a ride on his Harley, Swan. Swan’s so pretty, sitting quietly with light reflecting off her shine. But, when Boss starts her up, I get scared. When he finished reading me a story last evening, Boss reminded me he hadn’t forgotten his promise to take me for a ride today. I’m afraid.”
Trevor chucked and reached around, pulling her a little close. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I never told you, but the first time Boss sat me on Swan, I was scared stupid. But I held on, and once we got to the top of the hill, then onto the street, I couldn’t believe how fantastic I felt. I remember we pulled up to a stop sign, and before I put my foot down to steady the motorcycle, Boss barked, ‘Don’t take your…