Member-only story
I Never Told You But

After he cleaned his room, Trevor focused on completing his morning chores of emptying the trash and carrying out the recyclables. He noticed Simone had passed by carrying the dirty clothes downstairs to the laundry room, so he stopped at her room.
Her door was open, and he noticed her sitting on the bed. She had a frown and eyes with tears. “What’s wrong, Simone?”
Simone snuffled and looked his way. “Trevor, I want to learn to ride a bicycle like you. Boss told me I must use the training wheels until I got good enough. I don’t want to use the training wheels ’cause they are only for little kids. I’m too big for them.”
Trevor chuckled. “I never told, but that’s how I learned to ride. They aren’t so bad, and they protect you from getting hurt. When you learn to balance on two wheels, you’ll never forget. That first time you ride without them is scary. I admit my forehead imprinted on several trees and bushes in the cul-de-sac. Don’t be in too big of a hurry to have two wheels.”
Simone jumped off the bed, stomping her feet. “I’ve been practicing every day for a week here where no one could see me using them. I say I’m ready.” She pouted up at him with an angry scowl. “Pleeease, come on, help me take those little kid things off my bike. I want to graduate to two wheels today.”