Member-only story
I Never Told You but…

A shadow crossed the area and blocked the grey light from the window n the modest cottage. The raining fell in fits and starts
“Simone, what are you doing?” Trevor asked.
“Since you weren’t here when I arrived, I decided to create a special place for us since it’s raining, and we can’t go for a walk. I’m building a fort with these blankets I found squirreled away in your stair closet. Nobody ever uses them. They’re nice and warm in case I want to curl up in them.” Simone chattered and eyes brighter by her creative activity. “Help hold up this end so I can put something heavy on it. I want a canopy with the brown one with its fuzzy dangly ends.” She fingered them like strings of a harp and chuckled with glee.
Trevor used a scolding tone. “I never told you, but these wool blankets are Boss’s treasures. He brought them back against great odds from a trip he took many years ago. You shouldn’t be wallowing on them or using them to build forts.”
“Treasures?” Simone wrinkled her pert nose and frowned. “They aren’t gold or silver or gems. How are they valued?”
“Treasures, as in something special to the owner. It’s like your favorite toys that you won’t let anyone play with.”
“Oh, I understand now. How did these blankets become so important? Can you tell me the story?”