Member-only story
I Never Told You But

Simone tip-toed behind Trevor. “What’s going on between Boss and Annie? I could hear them fussing upstairs in my room.”
Trevor whispered, “Annie stopped Boss from going on his motorcycle Swan. In fact, she locked the side door and put a big sign on it Maternity ward, Quiet Please.”
Simone felt astonished. “She won’t let Boss ride Swan? Wow, he goes every Saturday for several hours unless it is freezing out. Do you know why she would say that?”
Trevor’s eyes appeared sad, and he shook his head. “Annie found a momma wren fluffing out a nest near the Harley. The nest is on the shelf next to the motorcycle. She said the momma wren takes off whenever someone goes out the side door. Annie’s afraid the momma wren won’t return if he starts the Harley. You know how everything from several feet away bounces with Swan’s idle.”
“Can’t Boss just sneak out the front door, unlock Swan, and push her to the top of the driveway before starting her?”
Trevor sighed and took her hand to pull her away from earshot and to the sign on the door. “I never told you, but we had a momma cardinal in the bush by the front door one year. She was trying to raise her family on a nest she built. She’d fly away whenever we opened the door for deliveries or to get mail. She stared at me with a cocked head just before she left for the last…