Member-only story
I Never Told You But
Humans at the Crossroads

“Trevor,” Simone whined. “I can’t get my homework done. This stupid program put in many words that I don’t know what they mean. I must look them up to see if I’m doing the assignment correctly.”
“What do you mean? What homework and what program?” Trevor walked to the desk and looked at the screen of her laptop.
“We were given an assignment today in class to write a seven-hundred-word essay about a book we should have read.” Simone chewed on her lip and glanced away from the screen toward her brother. “Except I didn’t read it. It’s due by the end of the week, and I’m afraid I won’t get it done. I don’t want a bad grade.” Her eyes riveted toward the screen.
“Why don’t you stop, read the book, then write the essay, Simone? Today is only Tuesday, so you should have plenty of….”
“I tried to read it, but it’s so boring. If I’d started it two weeks ago, I might have finished, but not now. All the other kids I spoke with said the same thing. Kids told me not to waste time reading but to enter a request into the artificially intelligent enhanced chatbot, CRAPGPT. Let the application write the essay, then cut and paste it for the teacher. I have told it three times now. I’m stuck getting all these words I can’t pronounce, much less understand. I mean, look at this one word. I…