I Never Told You But…

Breakfield and Burkey
4 min readNov 30, 2022
A fresh baked pecan pie with a crispy crust.
Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV on Pexels

Trevor, freshly groomed with damp hair, chuckled softly as he watched the scene unfold through the window into the Boss’s sitting room. Simone silently scooted next to her brother. After a few moments, she tugged his hand to get his attention.

He glanced at her, and her big eyes were opened wide. “Trev, I’m confused. What is Boss doing? Why would he take a pecan pie into his sitting room and cut a box for it? It looks like he’s trying to fit it into his suitcase. I thought we got all cleaned up to go to the airport, not to eat more pie.”

Trevor quietly laughed at the way his sister viewed things. Sometimes she got extra cute with her questions. “We are going to visit Aunt Judith. I never told you, but she’s never had fresh pecan pie from Texas. Boss and Annie made two pies this year. One we enjoyed for our Thanksgiving Day celebration and one as a gift for Aunt Judith.”

“I didn’t know that was the reason for the airport. That’s a long way to go in the air. I thought we always drove there.” She looked at her brother with eyes beginning to mist. “Is she the energetic lady in Colorado who holds all those author parties? She likes to pinch my cheeks when we arrive.” Frowning, Simone added, “She also swats me when I don’t move fast enough for her asks.”

Trevor nodded. “Yep. I’ve seen her dress down Boss for something she wanted, and…



Breakfield and Burkey

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