Member-only story
I Never Told You But …

Simone sat still, focused on Trevor’s concentration while he sorted the gear by colors, hooks, and strings. She studied how he moved each item into a special place in the multilevel box, then closed it. Not wanting to interrupt, she looked into his eyes with her silent request.
Trevor finally opened the door for her question. “Simone, go ahead, ask.”
Her demeanor brightened, and her voice was hopeful. “Will you teach me how to fish, please? You have all these bright-colored water toys with these sticky owies on them, but do fish like them? If I were a fish, I wouldn’t want to eat something with prickle points.”
Trevor chuckled, “Those are called hooks. I never told you, but Boss taught me how to fish in different ways. First was at the old wooden pier down by the lagoon close to shore. Easy to get started fishing but so boring. You must sit and wait for a fish to come and eat the bait. It was gross to pull out a worm we bought at the marina and stick it on the hook. The first time I tried to do it, I barfed into the water. Fish don’t like barf, so Boss said we had to find another spot to fish.”
Simone felt her stomach clench at his description. She fluttered her fingers for him to continue his story.
“You look a little grey, sis; sorry about that. Boss took me to the beach beyond the dunes for our next…