Member-only story
Dear Mom in Heaven
Today you would turn 101 if you’d lived. I miss your touch, smile, laughter, and encouragement, yet so glad you do not see our dysfunctional times.
I want to begin when you were born. In 1919, several events occurred that shaped your world and your life.
· World War I Paris Peace Conference opened.
· Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th President, was laid to rest.
· The predecessor to the Nazi party formed.
· Congress ratified the 18th amendment authorizing Prohibition.
· Congress approved the 19th amendment to legalize women’s suffrage.
· 675,000 Americans died of the 1918 influenza pandemic, declared over in November 1919–1.9B world population.
· And you entered the world with two older sisters spoiling you. I know you were always a Leo.
When the Great Depression occurred, your mother and father split up, leaving your mom to take care of her three girls. Your father contributed some to your upkeep, while your mother took in sewing to make the humble ends meet. I believe she gave me my love of sewing. Jane, your older sister, excelled in school and took on a bit of work after school with a bookkeeper for pennies an hour. Marge, the fiery middle child, took on some hours in the food kitchen in the area. You were too young for anything but school. Your mother put great stock in school, insisting her girls do their very best. It was a belief you carried to your children. Thank you so…